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City Council Meeting - 8/19/2004
Council Meeting #34 of 2004
August 19, 2004
Work Session Meeting
Memorial City Hall
5: PM

Roll Call – Councilor Jacobs, McNabb, Hunter, Dempsey - Present. Mayor Lattimore – Absent.

Councilor McNabb served as Acting Mayor.

City Staff Present – John Salomone, City Manager; Tom Leone, Corporation Counsel; Debra McCormick, City Clerk; Police Chief Gary Giannotta;

Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag

Acting Mayor McNabb opened the Public Hearing regarding Local Law #1 of 2004 entitled “A Local Law Establishing a City of Auburn Municipal Power Agency.”  He asked if anyone would like to be heard.

John Montone, Chair of the Mayor’s Public Power Task Force spoke to Council in favor of the Local Law and offered his reasons for passing it.

Bob Pass, NYSEG Community Outreach Manager, read a statement from NYSEG.

Bill Hecht, member of the Public Power Task Force commented and encouraged Council to seek alternate sources of energy.

Phil Dan, Ledyard, asked the City to look at the Fairport model for low cost energy.

Barbara King, dairy farmer, asked Council to consider Agri waste as source of energy.

Dave Colgrove, 279 West Genesee St. and Chair of the Auburn Cayuga Development Corporation, commented on the cost of energy and it’s impact on business growth in Auburn and Cayuga County.

Jona McLerbery, Rt. 90 Genoa, requested the city to think about alternative energy and benefits.

John Hogan, 13 Dexter Ave spoke in support of passing Local Law # 1.

With no one else wishing to be heard, Acting Mayor McNabb closed the Public Hearing.

Presentations and Proclamations – Acting Mayor McNabb read a Proclamation to designate September 17th through the 23 as Joseph C. Rice Memorial Chapter #103 Disabled American Veterans Forget-Me-Not Days in the City of Auburn.   He presented the document to Richard Nash.  Mr. Nash thanked Council and spoke briefly.

Public Announcements – Clerk read.

City Manager Report –
The City Manager reported on the following:
ü       The City has placed an ad in Wired Magazine, copies of magazine distributed.
ü       Progress Report on the West Genesee St. reconstruction
ü       Tom Robinson, CBG Associates Consultant gave report on Cable audit he is doing for the city and update.

Public to be Heard
Connie Laxton, Grove Ave and parent of 14-year-old skateboarder, asked for clarification of the skateboard ordinance.  Chief Giannotta spoke to explain the ordinance.

Bob Wilbur, parent, brought photos to council of Ithaca’s skate park.

Eileen McQue, 6 Brister Ave. and skateboarder parent, asked Council to change the ordinance so it would allow kids to skateboard in front of home.  

Kathy Russell, Nelson St., and parent of 12-year-old skateboarder, told Council that she went to the skate park in Ithaca. She asked City Council to do something for the Auburn kids.

Dave Colgrove, 279 Genesee St., spoke to Council regarding Adelphia. He read a statement.

Phil Dan, Ledyard, commented on economic development and the local cable company.

Joe Leo Grande, 161 Genesee St. asked City Council to endorse a driver education program in the Auburn School District.

Presentation of Petitions and Communication – Clerk read.

Ordinances - None

Acting Mayor McNabb asked for Council consent to move item 12A ahead on the agenda, all agreed.

The City Clerk was asked to read portions of the Local Law, since it was read completely into the record at last weeks meeting.  Council Hunter motioned to table the Local Law, there was no second.  Corporation Counsel Thomas Leone, at the request of Mayor Lattimore in his absence,  asked Council to consider amending the Local Law from 7 members to 9 members, the additional two, to include the current Mayor and a current Council Member designated by Council.  The amendment was sponsored by Councilor Dempsey and seconded by Councilor Jacobs.  Vote: Councilor Jacobs, McNabb, Dempsey yes, Councilor Hunter, no and Mayor Lattimore, absent.  PASSED
Vote on the Local Law as amended: Councilor Jacobs, McNabb, Dempsey yes, Councilor Hunter, no and Mayor Lattimore, absent.  PASSED

Agreement Resolution #122 of 2004 authorizing the Mayor to execute a US Geological Survey Funding Agreement with the United States Department of the Interior for the operation and maintenance of the lake level gauging station on Owasco Lake and the outflow meter located near Genesee Street in the City of Auburn.  Vote: Councilor Jacobs, McNabb, Hunter, Dempsey, yes, Mayor Lattimore – absent.  PASSED

Council Resolution #123 of 2004 authorizing the City Manager to advertise for bids for the National Fire Incident Reporting System (NFIRS). Vote: Councilor Jacobs, McNabb, Hunter, Dempsey, yes, Mayor Lattimore – absent.  PASSED

Council Resolution #124 of 2004 authorizing the City Manager to seek proposals to complete the Phase I Study of Hazard Mitigations Study for the Dunn & McCarthy Site. Vote: Councilor Jacobs, McNabb, Hunter, Dempsey, yes, Mayor Lattimore – absent.  PASSED

Sidewalk Resolution #125 of 2004 authorizing the financing of sidewalks on the 2203 Revolving Loan Sidewalk Program, to be charged back to the owner over a five (5) year period and to be charged to Account #HA 5497-440-001. Vote: Councilor Jacobs, McNabb, Hunter, Dempsey, yes, Mayor Lattimore – absent.  PASSED

Tabled Legislation – None

Second Public to be Heard –
Phil Mann, Ledyard, spoke to Council about methane digester technology and asked Council to look into it before going into it.

Brian Kelly, 17 Hoffman St. spoke regarding the condition of 23 Hoffman St.  He said that it is vacant and there is lots of water and rodents and it is effecting his property. He asked for the City’s help.

Shauna (Jona) McLerbery, Ledyard, spoke about skateboarders.

Other Business –  
Councilor Jacobs reported that NYS DOT will be here Tuesday to address traffic lights issues on State St.

Councilor Hunter asked about the work being done on City Hall and the progress.  The City Manager responded with an update.

Councilor Hunter commented on scooters and skateboards.
Councilor Hunter commented and questioned the landscaping that is being done behind the Grant Ave. Plaza.

Adjournment – Meeting adjourned at 6:25PM.